FUNDATIA HEALTH ACTION OVERSEAS (formerly know as Fundatia pentru o Viata mai Buna – FVB) is a non-Governmental and not-for-profit organisation founded in 1999 by Health Action Overseas (Ireland), as the first step in localising their activities in Romania.
We support young adults with a disability or those who have been labelled as having a disabilty, to leave institutions, move into homes in the community and lead full, active lives. We provide an opportunity to attend school and courses to gain the education and skills unavailable to them whilst living in institutions. When they are ready, we help them to find employment.
Health Action Overseas, cunoscuta anterior ca ‘Babies of Romania’, este o organizatie de caritate inregistrata in Irlanda, care a fost infiintata in 1991 de catre James Dillon dupa vizitele acestuia in orfelinatele din Romania imediat dupa Revolutie. Vazand conditiile in care traiau acesti copii, James s-a intors in Irlanda de unde a inceput sa trimita camioane cu alimente si haine pentru copiii din aceste institutii din Romania. Curand el a realizat ca acest tip de ‘ajutorare’ desi constituia o necesitate imediata la vremea respectiva, era totusi nevoie de o abordare mult mai sustenabila. HAO a initiat programe de invatare si dezvoltare pentru organizatia sora pe care a infiintat-o in Romania – Fundatia pentru o Viata mai Buna si pentru personalul care isi desfasura activitatea in institutiile statului.
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Toate programele noastre trebuie sa aiba un ‘impact direct si masurabil‘ – toate programele pe care le implementam in Romania schimba vieti.
Serviciile pe care le furnizam in cadrul programelor noastre au la baza principiile drepturilor omului; credem cu tarie ca indiferent de natura dizabilitatii sau gradul de acesteia, persoanele cu dizabilitati au drepturi egale de a:

- Participa in viata de zi cu zi a comunitatii;

- Accesa servicii care sunt disponibile oricarui alt cetatean; medici, frizeri, scoli, etc;

- Beneficia de informatii adecvate in vederea luarii de decizii si de a lua decizii referitoare la viata lor;

- Locui intr-o locuinta care sa le asigure nevoile de securitate si comfort. De a avea in locuinta echipament care sa le faciliteze dezvoltarea deprinderilor de viata independenta, crescand astfel sansele acestora de reprezentare si auto-reprezentare;

- Fi preotejati impotriva relelor tratamente si abuzurilor, fie fizic, sexual, emotional sau ca urmare a neglijarii.
Activitatea noastra in cifre

Adipisicing elit

Integer aliquam

Mauris lorem integ

James Dillon
James Dillon is the founder of Health Action Overseas (formerly Babies of Romania).
He has played a key role in the setting up and establishment of HAO in Romania and has also been involved in setting up projects in Albania and China.
He is managing director of a multimedia company specialised in designing training programmes, both DVD and online, for large corporates in Ireland and the UK and has worked with UTV, Sky News, TVAM and GMTV.

Brendan Collins
Brendan Collins has over thirty years experience of working in disability, human resource management and the non-profit sector in Ireland. He has worked for over twenty years in Enable Ireland, a national organisation for people with physical disability, where he was directly involved in facilitating both children and adults in educational, social and vocational activities.
Brendan was “human service and disability” Course Director for the Open Training College where he was involved in the design and delivery of a HAO training course on the social model of disability to staff in Romania.
In July of 2010 Brendan took up the position of CEO of Health Action Overseas.

Patrick Vaughan
Patrick Vaughan joined the board of FVB in 2008 and is a resource person on finances/accounting. He is a semi-retired Property Manager and Pension Fund Trustee and has many years experience as Financial Director in large multinational companies involved in manufacturing and marketing of electronic products.
Pat is a Fellow of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants.

Raymond Watson
Raymond is currently the Assistant College Director at Open Training College – Dublin, where he has worked over the last 12 years as Course Director of the Social Care degree programme. Before that, Raymond managed a residential setting for Menni Services, St. John of Gods. He has also worked with the Callan Institute and St. Annes, Roscrea in Ireland. He began his career working as part of a behavioural support team in London.
Raymond has been involved in many other projects, including work with Rosequal and supporting and educating a variety of Irish services in person centred planning. Raymond holds a MSc in Lifelong Learning/eLearning from Ulster University.

Luciana Lazarescu
Brendan Collins has over thirty years experience of working in disability, human resource management and the non-profit sector in Ireland. He has worked for over twenty years in Enable Ireland, a national organisation for people with physical disability, where he was directly involved in facilitating both children and adults in educational, social and vocational activities.

Alina Dobrescu
Alina has background in Psychology and Education Sciences and she’s over the last 21 years worked in the Social Inclusion Sector for the benefit of people belonging to disadvantaged groups with an emphasis on people with a disability. She worked for FVB as a Group Home Coordinator at James Dillon House – Constanta between 2004 and 2005, and between 2005 and 2007 she coordinated the Training Programme and the Shadow Training Programme at Techirghiol Pilot Centre. In 2018, Alina came back to us, as Employment Coordinator/Trainer on the LEAD project. She has also taken over the responsibilities on coordinating local staff working with our young adults.

Claudia Vlaicu
Patrick Vaughan joined the board of FVB in 2008 and is a resource person on finances/accounting. He is a semi-retired Property Manager and Pension Fund Trustee and has many years experience as Financial Director in large multinational companies involved in manufacturing and marketing of electronic products.
Echipa HAO Romania

Dobrescu Nicolae
Nico first worked with us as a Project Coordinator in Negru Voda one of Romania’s orphanages, back in 2000. He rose to the position of Executive Director in 2003 working with us until 2007, when unfortunately for us, Nico moved with his family back to Bucharest. In 2013, he decided to come back to us, full time. With a background in Law, financial and project management, Nico helps us to improve our financial reporting systems and fundraising capacity. He is also the Manager of LEAD project.

Cristina Serbanescu
Cristina graduated the Faculty of Commerce of Bucharest University of Economic Studies, and she is specialised in marketing. She has over 23 years of experience in marketing, communication and public relations, gained by working with important non-governmental organisations. Cristina joined our team in September. She is responsible for promoting our key initiatives, activities and services. She thinks that it is very important to let the facts speak, so she always talks about our beneficiaries and their progress. In her opinion, this is the best way to transmit to our public a consistent and a correct message.

Alina Dobrescu
Alina has background in Psychology and Education Sciences and she’s over the last 21 years worked in the Social Inclusion Sector for the benefit of people belonging to disadvantaged groups with an emphasis on people with a disability. She worked for FVB as a Group Home Coordinator at James Dillon House – Constanta between 2004 and 2005, and between 2005 and 2007 she coordinated the Training Programme and the Shadow Training Programme at Techirghiol Pilot Centre. In 2018, Alina came back to us, as Employment Coordinator/Trainer on the LEAD project. She has also taken over the responsibilities on coordinating local staff working with our young adults.

Alina Sachelaru
Alina graduated the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences and is specialized in special psycho pedagogy and speech therapy. She became part of our team in October. Alina monitors the current activities with the young adults and keeps a permanent relationship with the employers who want to give a chance to people with disabilities who are willing to work. She also promotes the supported employment model, so her experience in sales is an advantage.

Olivia Grigore
Olivia graduated the Faculty of Psychology and is specialized in socio psycho pedagogy. She joined us in August. She monitors the current activities of the Y/AwD and helps them to improve their working skills and behaviours. She also works closely with the employers which have hired young people with disabilities.